Huge Navigation Menu Pack PSD

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Over 40 beautifully designed navigation menus and web headers – simple to complex, flat to textures, solid color or patterned and more. The header of a website presents the character, style, design and theme of that website. It is the part that will stick on all of the pages and which will stay in your mind after you leave this website. In fact, the biggest part of a website design is the header part. Once you are done with header, you’re almost half way to finish in your whole design project.

Web headers can have a lot of styles from simple to complex, flat to textures, solid color or patterned and more. A website header can even have a photo image in the background. This style of header have spread lately and probably have seen such sample while surfing the net.

In our post today at blugraphic, we tried to give as much varieties of header designs as possible. We tried headers that are elegant, modern and user friendly. We also have others that are more traditional marked by traditional style, colors and even texture. Moreover, some of those headers are cartoonish, some are made of wood, some have a 3d dimensional effect, some are stitched , glossy, glassy, and much more styles.

These headers can be also called horizental website menus because each contains the menu of the website. Some of the psd headers also have a search box, social media icons and other elements that are usually their at most websites.


In conclusion, whatever subject your website theme is about, you must have something related to start with from our list of headers.

Enjoy downloading our psd vector file 100% for free. You can use this in anyway you like, the file is made of vector shape layers meaning the most editing capabilities you can find.

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