Icons, Layered PSD, Paper Paper Plane icon PSD Downloaded 4693 Times Done in Photoshop CS3 as a small part of a website, but could be used as an icon too so enjoy! Sizes: 256×256, 128×128, 64×64, 48×48 Archive size: 11MB Filetypes: .PNG, .PSD, .ICO Designed by: lukataylo.deviantart.com October 28, 2010
Paper Plane icon PSD
Downloaded 4693 Times
Done in Photoshop CS3 as a small part of a website, but could be used as an icon too so enjoy!
Sizes: 256×256, 128×128, 64×64, 48×48
Archive size: 11MB
Filetypes: .PNG, .PSD, .ICO