Download FREE Product Box PSD. There arent very many product box tutorials and slim to none psd files…so now we have one! Download and enjoy!
Download Beauty Salon Business Card template Free PSD. 300dpi resolution beauty salon business card template. CMYK colors with bleed, for professional printer. The background design is based on my colorful abstract lights background. Download PSD source, put your info and make a flat graphic (Layer/Flattern Image) to make it print ready.
Download Abstract Fire Free PSD. The layer “lens blur” is an applied image. hide this layer to be able to see the influence of the layers beneath it. the edges of the arms on the model were hit with blur tool beneath the gradient tool (hit key R) to blend her into the scene better. The “channel paste” layer is a copy-paste of a duplicated blue channel that has had the levels tweaked.
A vibrant poster with a mushroom graphic that can instantly grab your attention. The poster design comes in all-layered .PSD file for free download. In addition to the poster, I have separated the graphic PSD file and made it into an icon in different sizes. The 512x512px icon has the .PSD file also. The other icon sizes are 256x256px, 128x128px, 64x64px. Please Download the poster and icon .PSD source file.